The Home and School Association is a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization with a purpose to support the education of the children at Sewickley Academy by fostering relationships among parents, faculty, and the administration. Home and School membership include all parents, legal guardians, and other persons standing “in loco parentis” with a child or children enrolled and attending Sewickley Academy, as well as all members of the faculty, staff, and administration of Sewickley Academy.

Interested in volunteering with Sewickley Academy's Home and School Association?

Login to the Home and School Resource Board on MySewickley to see our latest opportunities and sign-up to volunteer.
To support the mission of Sewickley Academy, Home and School hold four major fundraisers each year.
Through these volunteer efforts, our funds are used to enhance student life and support faculty, staff, and administration of Sewickley Academy:

Grants for Innovative Frameworks in Teaching (G.I.F.T.): Funded through the generosity of the Sewickley Academy Home & School Association, the Grants for Innovative Frameworks in Teaching are designed to allow teachers to seize unexpected opportunities for innovative, interdisciplinary projects, especially where collaboration and experiential learning are the focus. 

Applications for G.I.F.T. grants are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the school year. Teachers are to consult with and receive support from both their department chair and division head prior to submitting their application (accessible by Sewickley Academy faculty/staff only). All ideas are welcome and encouraged.

Above and Beyond Committee: Supports Sewickley Academy’s faculty and staff, students, programs, and the campus in a variety of ways including:

  • Facility Improvements
  • Dance Studio Renovation
  • Instructional Technology Upgrades including iPads for all faculty members, Wireless Network Expansion, Robotics
  • Purchase of Musical Instruments
  • Capital Campaign Fund Donations
Enhancement of the Library Collections

Welcome Back Faculty/Staff Luncheon

Spring Teachers Appreciation Luncheon

Back to School Nights

Faculty/Staff Holiday Gifts

Art Can Travel

Lower School Field Day

Lower School and Middle School Commencements

Farewell Dinner for Graduates and Parents

The Parent Programming Chair actively participates with Youth Connect, a group of concerned adults from a variety of schools and organizations in the Sewickley area who are working to provide the information, resources, and support our young people need to avoid risky behaviors and enjoy their teen years. Youth Connect conducts a series of community forums where speakers are brought in to address “non-academic” issues that children and parents face throughout the school-age years.