Campus News

Sewickley’s Shakespeare wins WPCTE Flash Fiction contest

1 min. read
Ari Shakespeare, a Grade 6 student at Sewickley Academy, was recently named the Grades 4–6 band grand prize winner of the Western Pennsylvania Council for Teachers of English (WPCTE) Flash Fiction contest. 

Why it matters: Shakespeare was one of 349 students participating in the regional competition.

  • The annual contest is open to students in grades 1 through 12. It requires a 500-word piece of fictional writing with a plot and developed characters.

Reality check: Judges are only informed about the grade band and writing. They are not provided with information about the schools, teachers or students.

  • WPCTE partnered with the Sigma Tau Delta Xi Xi chapter at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania to help judge this year's submissions.

Go deeper: Read Shakespeare's winning piece, "The Quantum Simulator."