
Destination Imagination teams successfully place in regional tournament

1 min. read
Sewickley Academy’s seven Destination Imagination teams recently competed in the March 1 Destination Imagination Regional Tournament in Beachwood, Ohio. The Academy’s teams consisted of five Lower School groups and two Middle School groups.

Why it matters: Each team successfully placed in all of the categories they competed in at the tournament.
  • The Lower School teams won first, second and third place in the engineering category, and first place in both the scientific and technical categories.
  • The Middle School teams won first place, one in the engineering category and one in the scientific category.

Zoom in: Ms. Maureen Lee, Lower School science teacher, leads the Lower School teams, while Mr. Ryley Anderson, computer science teacher and technology coordinator, is responsible for the Middle School teams.

The big picture: Destination Imagination is a global program encouraging students to engage in hands-on, student-led exploration. 
  • Students use STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), the Scientific Method, and the Engineering Design Process to solve a problem of their choice. 
  • Teams are responsible for designing and creating 100% of their solutions, without any outside help permitted.
